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Stop the Hate workshops

The Bias Incident Support Services (BISS) team offers "Stop the Hate" trainings that provide an introduction to bias incidents and the resources available through BISS for those impacted at UMD. In these workshops, we share the bias report form, BISS protocol, bias dashboard and other resources, and we provide an opportunity to reflect and practice bias response with a couple of examples. These trainings are open to any UMD community members to join, free of charge.

Spring 2025 Workshop Dates

Stop the Hate logo

Report an incident

The University of Maryland values diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive and respectful campus for students, faculty and staff. If you have been impacted by hate, bias, intimidation, sexual misconduct or discrimination, you can file a report with the units here.

You may also contact UMPD by calling:

Emergency: 911 or 301-405-3333 - Mobile Phone #3333

Non-Emergency: 301-405-3555