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Naming Physical (In)Accessibility: A Disability Community Support Circle

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  • Event Location Zoom
Register for the Naming Physical (In)Accessibility: A Disability Community Support Circle on Zoom
Flyer for the Naming Physical (In)accessibilitiy: A Disability Community Support Circle with an overlapping circle design

For this month's Circle, we will be naming physical (in)accessibility across campus and navigating various resources and support. Restorative questions will connect how we experience and feel barriers to physical access and care, enabling us to describe what we need for repair. As a disability community, we can better affirm one another toward our individual and collective healing as we advocate for improved physical access.

*To ensure the privacy of attendees, this sacred space will never be recorded

**After about 5 minutes past the hour, we will close entry to new attendees so that we can assure that all participants receive quality care within this space. Since this is a support space and not a webinar, we hope for all participants to engage to the best of their ability
